Today is a Big Day
Hello everyone, so today is a big day, I am finally starting to write about all the crazy things we Hattons have going on. The goal is to build a following for our business, WorshipEveryWear and w.e. Cafe, Full disclosure, the opening is on track for early 2027 and a lot is going to be going on between now and then as we prepare for that new adventure. So this blog will be about basically whatever I would have been talking to my friends at work about, if I still worked. I’m laughing as I think of all the hours my co-workers and friends allowed me to share, express, process ideas and talk about food, fashion and Christopher. Since retiring I have been waiting to find an outlet to share the big and little things that happen in our world…and now, here it will reside.
If you are reading this, you have found our website…evolving as it may be. You’ve probably seen the video, if not, check it out. You will still be a little perplexed on what the heck it all means. So, with that said, we’ll be using some of this blog to explain what we’re doing, what the plan is, to document the process of building our business and all the extra things in our life as we move along.
An Intro to Worship Everywear
First…Welcome. Please know I will just be writing. I really don’t have a plan to make sure it is exactly a blank minute read to keep the attention of our different generations or that I should talk a certain way to attract certain people or that I need certain pictures or links to make money on this thing. My plan is simply to Pray, Put it in Pen and Post. That’s me, the raw me and the only way I can do it without letting my perfectionism paralyze me. Look at all that alliteration. You will learn I am a sucker for alliteration.
The goal is 2 fold: Salvation (the cafe) and Sanctification (the boutique).
Our Plan
Ok, Our plan: Oscar graduates from High School 5/23, Sierra 5/24, these are the last two of our 5 children to leave the nest. Christopher will retire 6/25 and we will move to France for a year 10/25-9/26. We’ll get back to Tampa and get to work executing this concept that will have developed and solidified in early 2027…God willing and the creek don’t rise (as Christopher’s mom would say). We didn’t just decide on all this willy nilly, we’ve put several years of praying, thinking, asking God, listening to God, exploring the possibilities and ultimately, allowing this to be a God breathed venture (is that grammatically correct? Hmmm… It works)
The Goal
The goal is 2 fold: Salvation (the cafe) and Sanctification (the boutique). The concept is to have the 2 concepts attached to each other but different spaces for different results. The cafe is secular and will be a great place for anyone to grab a cup of coffee and a _____ (it’s blank, because what our food niche will be, is still to be discovered…we have a few ideas) The boutique will be a quality, fashionable, personalized shopping experience for Christians looking to share their faith and keep their own foundation in Him, strong as well.
Start Engaging With Us!
In future stories, I will go into depth on what each of these looks like in detail. This is where you come in. You have a chance, through interaction and feedback, to provide your opinion on what you need or want, what you think is a good idea or not and we will listen to all suggestions…ultimately, we, along with our Chairman of the Board which is GOD, we will combine our thoughts and yours to create this business along with the side fun of interacting with you as we go along.